Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Healthcare Associated Infections

Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Healthcare Associated Infections

One goal of value-driven AI is to prevent healthcare-associated infections at the earliest stages and to ensure healthcare for everyone. From both a data science and a medical point of view, hospital infection control is an interesting and difficult research topic. Machine learning for clinicians and infection management covers a wide range of fields.  AI is…

The Benefits of Decentralized Clinical Trials and How They are Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

The Benefits of Decentralized Clinical Trials and How They are Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

Decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) are a new approach to clinical research that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and other technologies to reduce the cost and complexity of traditional clinical trials. DCTs enable researchers to collect data from multiple sites, often in different countries, while maintaining high standards of data quality and patient safety. DCTs have the…

Artificial Intelligence for Preventing and Curing Mental Illness

Artificial Intelligence for Preventing and Curing Mental Illness

Artificial intelligence can play a significant role in helping detect, prevent, and cure mental illnesses including schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism. In this paper, we examine how to use value-driven artificial intelligence in detecting, preventing, and curing mental illness. “One of the key roles of future artificial intelligence is to cure people with mental illness….

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) – A Complete Guide and Tutorial

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) – A Complete Guide and Tutorial

“Future Artificial Intelligence (AI) is more about designing human emotions, compassion, and value-driven intelligence.” — His Holiness Sri Amit Ray, Pioneer of Compassionate Artificial Intelligence. The MLOps – A Complete Guide and Tutorial Machine learning operations (MLOps) includes the tools, techniques, and real-world experiences that turn conceptual machine knowledge into an efficient skill set that…

Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Infectious Diseases: Nine Perspectives

“The true power of artificial intelligence lies in its ability to prevent human pain and suffering and not in the causes that make people suffer, like wars and arm races.” – His Holiness Sri Amit Ray, Pioneer of Compassionate Artificial Intelligence. In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been playing a significant role in preventing…

Value Driven Healthcare Artificial Intelligence – The Nine Perspectives

“There is no glory in using artificial intelligence for military war. The glory of AI lies in using it to remove the sufferings of humanity.” – Sri Amit Ray, Pioneer of Compassionate AI.   In healthcare, artificial intelligence is increasingly focused on improving health, early and accurate diagnosis, and a better patient experience.  Moreover, Artificial intelligence…

Our Values

Research on Value Driven Artificial Intelligence is at the Heart of What We Do. Our mission is to employ artificial intelligence to create a beautiful world that is free of exploitation and pain. According to our values statement, we are committed to helping and improving the well-being of humanity. VDAI is not a political organization….